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27 Cambridge Street, Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire HP20 1RP

Mouth cancer, also called oral cancer, can usually be successfully treated if detected early.

Screening for mouth cancer is part of your regular, twice-yearly dental check-up.

What is mouth cancer?

Mouth cancer forms as cancerous tumours somewhere in your mouth, on your gums or cheeks, or along the top and bottom of your mouth. The tumours can also form in the lining of your throat. Early detection and treatment can stop the tumours from spreading to the rest of your body.

Are there any symptoms I might recognise?

It is possible you may not see any symptoms, which is why it is so important to have a dentist check your mouth regularly.

Some of the possible symptoms you may see include:

  • Small, unexplained bumps or lumps in your mouth.
  • Persistent mouth sores.
  • Difficulty in swallowing.
  • Red or white spots on the gum or soft tissues.
  • Unexplained bleeding.
  • Changes in the tone of your voice.

Contact us if you believe any of these symptoms have been present for over 2 weeks.

For more information regarding this treatment:
Contact Usor call 01296 337 373
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